Becoming Frank

Episode #12 - Addendum, A Glance over 2021

Frank Season 1 Episode 12

OK, so I lied. Episode 11 was not the end of the season. Well, it was so I call this an Addendum so as to try to assuage my guilt of fibbing. But it wasn'...

Anyway, there is good reason for the end of the year episode. LIFE IS GOOD! 

I gotta believe that the past year of Becoming Frank has definitely helped me to become, well, me again!

I started the year with anger issues, endured bouts of suicidal darkness through the year and have emerged, through discussing my stuff, in a good place. I'm in a good relationship with a great woman, got a new job paying me decent wages in the field I'm skilled in. and am generally, pretty friggin' content.

Now, I'm no fool so I know the depression will come and go and the demons are always waiting right under the surface for us to slip so they can take over again, but I know that as long as we shine the light, the demons are not so scary and we can banish them forever.

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